woman who needs constant reassurance

Why Do I Need Constant Reassurance? Psychology’s Answer

The Reassurance Cycle Definition and explanation Asking for reassurance is a natural thing to do.  However, constant reassurance seeking can become an unhealthy way to try to cope with anxiety and uncertainty.              Reassurance seeking can look like many things: Reassurance seeking can feel productive in the moment, as if you’re finding out important information.……

seated man struggling with uncertainty avoidance

Is Uncertainty Avoidance Causing Your Anxiety and Panic?

If you’re suffering from anxiety or panic attacks, it’s possible that you have difficulty tolerating uncertainty in certain situations. If uncertainty avoidance drives many of your efforts to cope with anxiety, you may benefit from cognitive-behavioral therapy. Living with Uncertainty Uncertainty is an inescapable part of life. And it’s something that, generally speaking, feels uncomfortable.……