How to Stop a Panic Attack
There are few things more unpleasant than a panic attack. Getting one to stop can be complicated, but the strategies presented below can help.
There are few things more unpleasant than a panic attack. Getting one to stop can be complicated, but the strategies presented below can help.
What is Stellate Ganglion Block for PTSD? Several effective treatment options exist for people suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). A medical treatment called stellate ganglion block (SGB) is one of the newest options. SGB is an injection administered by a doctor or other healthcare professional into the neck. It works by affecting the nerves…
Intense panic-like symptoms can be quite upsetting and scary. When does it make sense to go to urgent care for your anxiety? First: Are You Sure It’s Anxiety? You shouldn’t assume what you’re feeling is anxiety when it’s really something more dangerous. Sometimes the most useful thing about visiting urgent care is confirming whether symptoms…
Certain patterns of thinking make you more likely to experience anxiety, depression, anger, and other problems. These patterns are called cognitive distortions, and you can learn to counter them.
There are a lot of different recommendations for how long you should meditate, as well as for how often you should meditate. Some sources say to do an hour every day, but you may not have that much time. Below you’ll find research-based recommendations for how long — and how often — to meditate.
There are a lot of options out there to address emotional problems. Two of the most prominent types of therapy — DBT and CBT — have similar names and approaches. How should you choose between DBT vs CBT?
We all need the ability to soothe and care for ourselves. But how can we best do these things? Here we offer some tips to help you master these important skills. Updated: March 9, 2025 We Need All the Help We Can Get 21st-century living can be demanding. People are often consumed by their day-to-day…
God, today help me set aside everything I think I know about You, everything I think I know about myself, everything I think I know about others, and everything I think I know about my own recovery so I may have an open mind and a new experience with all these things. Please help me see the…
It’s not uncommon to have a passing thought about your boyfriend’s or girlfriend’s sexual orientation. If questions like “is my boyfriend gay” take over, it may be a sign of obsessive-compulsive disorder. It’s natural to have doubts sometimes about our romantic relationships. It happens all the time. But what if you can’t stop trying to…
A behavior is compulsive when you have the urge to do it repeatedly — until a feeling of anxiety or unease goes away. A behavior is impulsive when you do it without forethought and without considering the consequences.
Have you always been a shy person? Have family members and friends have pointed out this quality about you? Most people find this an endearing quality, but when it comes to dating it can be a real obstacle. For shy people, talking to new people can be challenging. But if you’re shy and trying to…
Having anxiety at work can be a big problem. It can impact your work performance and your overall wellbeing – your sleep, your mood, even your self-esteem. Learn how to recognize and address the problem.