Put Insomnia To Bed with Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT-I)
As we enter the new year and find ourselves reflecting, it is our hope that
As we enter the new year and find ourselves reflecting, it is our hope that
In the fast-paced streets and schedules of New York City, it is no surprise that
What Is Cognitive Processing Therapy? Cognitive processing therapy (CPT) is a type of cognitive-behavioral therapy
Separation anxiety can be stressful for the whole family. Fortunately, there are various types of
it can be difficult to tell when separation anxiety is a problem for your child.
Background: Meditation’s health benefits Meditation and mindfulness practices have become more accepted in Western cultures
There are a lot of options out there for PTSD treatment. Do any of them
Many people with sleep difficulties say that Sunday night insomnia is a real problem for
“How do I know if I’m in the right relationship?” “What if my partner isn’t
You can Google any symptoms, illness or syndrome and get results summarizing the relevant information.
Cognitive-behavioral therapy helps us define, set, and reach helpful goals. Dr. Justin Arohco explains how.
From time to time, most people find themselves muttering (or screaming) at 4:00 a.m., “why