13 Important Types of OCD (Plus 5 Related Conditions)

13 Types of OCD (Plus 5 Related Conditions)
Last updated: March 1, 2025
People often think of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) as a preoccupation with cleanliness or order. In reality, OCD can present in vastly different ways and many that are invisible to the outside observer. This page gives a brief description of the various types of OCD and offers links to further information about each.
Hit and run | POCD | ROCD | HOCD | Contamination | Tourettic | Checking | Harm | Scrupulosity | Just right | Existential | Confessing | Pure O
Hoarding | Hair pulling | Skin picking | Cheek biting | Perfectionism and OCPD
Note: The types of OCD described below are not considered distinct from one another in a scientific way. OCD can shift over time from one type to another. They are all OCD; they have far more in common than they have differences.
Hit and Run OCD
This type of OCD is marked by intrusive thoughts about having hit someone while driving. The thoughts can strike while still behind the wheel or sometimes much later. It can lead to retracing one’s route to make sure there are no signs of a recent accident or to avoiding driving altogether.
POCD (Pedophilia OCD)
POCD is characterized by thoughts, urges or images of sexual behavior with children. This type of OCD is particularly difficult because it’s associated with strong feelings of shame. Sufferers are understandably very uncomfortable telling others about their thoughts.
ROCD (Relationship OCD)
HOCD or SO-OCD (Homosexual or Sexual Orientation OCD)
Contamination OCD
Subtype: Mental contamination
People often distinguish between “contact contamination” (a feeling stemming from touching something) and “mental contamination” (coming from a thought, word, or phrase that feels bad, dangerous, or uncomfortable). Some recent research suggests that the two are distinct from one another. Approximately 10% of OCD sufferers with contamination symptoms experience mental contamination but not contact contamination.

Tourettic OCD
Some people with OCD experience compulsions that entail specific physical movements — like tapping their fingers or touching things in a certain way. These compulsions can be difficult to distinguish from motor tics, a symptom seen in Tourette’s Syndrome. This presentation of OCD is sometimes referred to as Tourettic OCD.
Click here to read a compelling first-person account of life with Tourettic OCD.
Checking OCD
Harm OCD
Scrupulosity (Including “Religious OCD”)

“Just Right” OCD
Existential OCD
Confessing OCD
“Pure O” OCD
Not OCD, But Related
Hair pulling
Sometimes plucking or pulling out hairs can become such a strong habit that it changes our appearance. Trichotillomania is the term used for when hair pulling is severe enough that it creates distress or obvious and problematic bare patches. It can involve the head, eyebrows, eyelashes, or anywhere there is hair. Trichotillomania is a related condition to OCD but is not OCD.
Learn more on our trichotillomania resource page
Skin picking
Picking the skin on our fingers, feet, face, or anywhere else is called “dermatillomania” or “excoriation disorder” when it becomes a problem. When severe, dermatillomania can produce bleeding and lead to infections and permanent skin damage. This condition responds well to behavior therapy.
Learn more on our dermatillomania resource page.
Cheek biting, cuticle biting, nail biting
These are examples of body-focused repetitive behaviors. They can be harmless when they happen infrequently. However, when they lead to bleeding and other difficulties, treatment can be helpful.

Perfectionism and OCPD
If high standards have stopped being helpful for you and have started to become a problem, you may suffer from perfectionism. Perfectionism doesn’t need to involve a conscious effort to be perfect. It often involves a rigid approach to getting things done that isn’t shared by others. In fact, the approach often bothers those around us.
When perfectionism becomes a dominant force in one’s life, a therapist may diagnose a condition known as obsessive-compulsive personality disorder. This condition is not OCD but often has some overlap. It takes longer to improve than OCD, but improvement is certainly possible.
Learn more about perfectionism, OCPD, and their treatment.